Sunday, 26 August 2012

Links Or Book I Used

There are a few so called 'tools' I used to finish up this blog. Among them are:-
4. My tuition books.

Application Of Archimedes' Principle


1. The hydrometer is used to measure the relative density of liquid.
2. Buoyant Force=weight of hydrometer, hydrometer float on a liquid.
3. a. if the liquid is of lesser density, greater volume of liquid will be displaced.
    b. if the liquid is of greater density, smaller volume of liquid will be displaced.

Video On How To Use A Hydrometer.

Application of Archimedes' Principle

Hot Air Balloon

1. Buoyant Force=weight of hot air balloon, hot air balloon is at a constant height
2. Buoyant Force> weight of hot air balloon, hot air balloon rises upwards
3. Buoyant Force<weight of hot air balloon, hot air balloon is descend.

To ensure the hot air balloon is easier to move upwards:-
a. increase the volume of hot air
b. heat the air in the hot air balloon.

Archimedes Principle (Object Immersed In Liquid)

Archimedes Principle

From this picture, we can conclude that:-

Weight of Water Displaced=weight of boy+weight of the float

Video: Archimedes Principle

Archimedes Principle

Weight of the object in the air = w1
   Weight of empty beaker = w2
   Weight of object in water = w3
   Weight of beaker + displaced water = w4

     Weight of displaced water, w = w4 - w2
    Therefore, weight of object=buoyant force 
weight of object is also equals to weight of water displaced